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New UDL-BOE Logo
A background to our project logo which was created by Erika, a student in St Joseph’s Secondary School.

“Our Erasmus Project is based upon Universal Design for Learning with a focus on Blended Learning. As an inclusive partitioner and an art teacher I felt that it essential for this task should be delivered by a student with additional needs, specifically a young boy that engages with his learning within the context of Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Erikas was given only two suggestions, that the logo contain the letters UDLBOE and that any imagery should consider assistive technology. Erikas engaged with this process within his own learning preferences, through his own chosen media and create his own chosen outputs. We met after the first draft for a critique of his idea and then he returned to make editorial choices to refine his submission. I believe that Erikas has submitted an elegant, sophisticated and professional logo design that clearly represents the theme.“
Darren Byrne, Deputy Principal at St. Joseph’s Secondary school, Dublin